Buses run from Yamuna Nagar to Kaithal as per the given schedule:
Yamuna Nagar to Kaithal distance by Bus: 100 KMs.
Ticket Price per person for Haryana Roadways Yamuna Nagar to Kaithal Bus: Rs: 105/-
Time Taken to Reach from YNR to Kaithal: 2.10 hrs.
Yamuna Nagar to Kaithal Haryana Roadways Bus Timings
S.No | Departure Time | Route |
1 | 08:45 a.m. | Yamuna Nagar to Kaithal |
2 | 01:00 p.m. | Yamuna Nagar to Kaithal |
Bus Stops between Yamuna Nagar to Kaithal
- Radaur
- Ladwa
- Pipli
- Kurukshetra
The distance between Yamuna Nagar and Kaithal is approximately 100 kilometers by road, and it takes around 2 hours to reach Kaithal from Yamuna Nagar by bus.
Check : Yamuna Nagar Bus Stand Timetable